

Community Outreach Group

God’s word exhorts us to “love one another”, to “pray for one another” and to “build up one another”. Small groups offer us better opportunities to fulfill this calling. As we are able to form closer relationships with each other, pray from one another’s needs and ultimately help each other to become mature disciples of Jesus Christ.

What is Community Outreach?

These small groups of caring men and women are for new believers and mature Christians alike. Led by specially trained members of the RCI congregation, they offer the opportunity to come together for mutual encouragement through prayer, the study of God’s word and the development of close personal relationships.

Why we do Community Groups

Community groups help us extend the love and compassion so many have found at RCI into homes all around the city, thereby connecting people and changing lives.

What is the biblical basic for Community Outreach?

Jesus ministered to the masses, but he chose to develop the faith of his closest disciples in the context of a small group. The book of Acts and the Epistles of Paul often make reference to the early believers meetings in homes.

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